The Song Of Solomon Character Analysis

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The Song of Solomon, an upper-middle-class, pampered, and spoiled young black man who learns a deeper respect for his family and himself when a tour of looking for supposingly hidden gold through the south reveals the family’s history. Morrison received more widespread frame and popularity for The Song of Solomon (Cassidy, Thomas). Morrison explores how African American men in America survive and position themselves in relation to dominant social and political structures and to the black communities. Morrison presents the limited array of choices available to Black men through her portrayals Milkman and Macon Dead and Guitar Bains, and mythic evocation of Dead ancestors. Each black man must either choose between "fight" and "flight" or find some way…show more content…
He is privileged in the black community but limited by his African American race in the predominately white society and American world, which separates him from the black community by his class, and hinders him from advancing in society. Milkman avoids making choices or commitments, and is disconnected from his community as a result. The second Macon Dead, loves what his father, the first Macon Dead loved, but makes different choices for a different fate as to the first Macon Dead. He exploits his fellow Blacks instead of competing with the whites like the first Macon Dead. Exploiting fellow blacks is a historically accurate portrait of the middle class black citizens during this period; unlike the black middle class of the 40s, 50s and 60s, when blacks mostly worked and earned their money from the black community. \Macon's harshness toward the members of that community estrange him from it, in contrast to his father, who was accepted by the black community., The Blacks of Southside do not see Macon's success as belonging to them in any way, perhaps because his exploitation of fellow blacks (Dougherty, Jane

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