The Kite Runner, a bildungsroman novel written by Khaled Hosseini, explores the maturing of the central protagonist Amir. It mainly surrounds the uncharacteristic friendship between, Amir and Hassan, with elements of loyalty and betrayal. The Zoo Story, written by Edward Albee, is a one act play that involves the meeting of two characters, Peter and Jerry. Peter is a social conformist and a middle classed citizen whilst Jerry is a non-conformist of a lower class. Although Peter is of a higher position
-Later events (i.e. Hassan being raped). • Imagery & Juxtaposition: San Francisco is very calm and beautiful, contrasting winter day in 1975. -“The early-afternoon sun sparkled on the water” (1). • Metaphor & Personification: “saw a pair of kites […] like a pair of eyes looking down on San Francisco” (1-2). -Comparing