Definition Of Happiness In Nicomachean Ethics Book 1

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The True Meaning of Happiness Aristotle tries to answer the famous question of all times. What is the meaning of life? In Nicomachean Ethics Book 1, Aristotle tries to explain his views of human life and the meaning of it. He states that every human's purpose is to gain "Eudimonia" (happiness) , but his definition of happiness is different from what many people's definitions. Aristotle believes happiness is reasoning well, or acting according to virtue. This definition of happiness also incorporates all of the attributes conventionally identified with happiness like virtue, practical wisdom, and pleasure. The main points that Aristotle discuses in his book is the purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness, and his definition of "Eudimonia".…show more content…
Once the reader understood the text they will be able to see how Aristotle tries to reach out to the reader. " Now[if] such a thing [as]happiness,[is] above all else is, held to be: for this we choose always for self and never for the sake of something else , but honor , pleasure, reason, and every virtue we choose indeed for themselves". (Aristotle Book1 Chapter 7). How does this connect with the reader? Well by saying that happiness above everything, it makes the reader feel two ways about it. The readers can either agreed or disagreed with Aristotle. But take a student for example, and ask why to everything he is doing. "Why are you going to school? To earn a degree. Why do you want a degree? I need a degree to obtain employment. Why do you want a job? I need a job so that I can earn money to buy the things I need, such as a house, clothes, food, etc. Why do you need all that? Those things will make me happy. Why do you want to be happy?" (The Great Conversation). At this point the student will realize that they want to be happy for the sake of being happy. This way of thinking can be applied to anyone, therefore the reader would be forced to ask why they do the thing they do. They would conclude the same thing as the student did in the conversation that is quoted. The reader will ultimately see that all they do in their life is so that they can…show more content…
At some point, the text can be hard to understand and at other times, it is clear and direct. Still the writer uses real occupations to show his logic through them." For just as for flute-player, a sculptor, or activity, the good and the "well" is thought to reside in the function, so would it seem to be for man, if he has a function"( Aristotle Book1 Chapter 7). Aristotle uses the sculptor to show that a man who is good at their function is good. Therefore, if the man's function is to make sculpture and they are good at their function, they are a good sculptor. Of course, it's still hard to understand the whole book, but, when Aristotle tries to evolve more real life situations, it becomes clearer and easier to understand. " Finally, after much intellectual flexing, Aristotle embarks on his definition of happiness, or Eudaimonia" (The Great Conversation). The Great Conversation calls Aristotle complex way for writing "intellectual flexing". In other words He just was expressing himself in a smarter way. Then again, who does not want to seem smart. Overall the text itself is hard to comprehend , and maybe even need help from outside sources to fully get the

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