Kite Runner Dialectical Journal

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Part 1: Chapters One-Seven Chapter One: • Currently December 2001 in San Francisco. • Narrator (learn later that his name is Amir) faced a traumatic experience in 1975. -“frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975” (Hosseini 1). -Atmosphere: Cold and unappealing. • Personification: “Because the past claws its way out” (1). -Foreshadowing: “I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years” (1). -Later events (i.e. Hassan being raped). • Imagery & Juxtaposition: San Francisco is very calm and beautiful, contrasting winter day in 1975. -“The early-afternoon sun sparkled on the water” (1). • Metaphor & Personification: “saw a pair of kites […] like a pair of eyes looking down on San Francisco” (1-2). -Comparing…show more content…
• Amir is jealous: “Baba was there, watching, and he patted Hassan on the back” (15). -Foreshadowing: Baba treats Hassan like this because he is actually his real father. • Amir learns about his religion in school, and what is considered sinning, yet he always sees his father sinning, creating confusion. • Irony: “‘God help us all’” (18). -He has very strong opinions about why religion does not matter to him, yet he still references God. • Baba is hard on his son, but kind to everyone else. -He has antagonistic characteristics, but Amir loves him anyway, and is constantly fighting for his approval. -“Baba heaved a sigh of impatience […] he was not an impatient man” (19). • Significant story about theft (19). -Baba creates an analogy about how theft is the greatest sin. -“After all, I had killed his beloved wife, his beautiful princess, hadn’t I?” (20). -This adds to the neglect that Amir feels, because he feels guilt for his mother’s n h death. -Foreshadowing: Amir steals Hassan’s right to the truth about how he saw him getting raped. • Irony: Baba starts drinking after his speech about sinning, and Amir learns that drinking is a…show more content…
-“But in none of his stories did Baba ever refer to Ali as his friend” (27). • Amir and Hassan’s friendship seems genuine, but Hassan is always inferior in some way. -Amir is a Pashtun (Sunni Muslim), and Hassan is a Hazara (Shi’a Muslim). • Imagery & Simile: “Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day with Hassan” (27). -They had a wonderful childhood filled with ordinary troublemaking. -Foreshadowing: their childhood is too perfect, and something ruins this bond. • Onomatopoeia: “baaing” (28). -Lambs are emphasised because Hassan is compared to one later in the novel. • Symbolism: Rio Bravo and The Magnificent Seven. -Significant movies that strengthen the bond between the two boys. • Baba treats Hassan as an equal to Amir, which creates jealousy in Amir. -“Baba gave us each a weekly allowance of ten Afghans” (29). -Hassan is still an uneducated servant though, and Amir takes him for granted, because he has lived with this his entire life. He’s ungrateful. • Juxtaposition between Amir’s life and Hassan’s life. -Very large contrast because Hassan lives a more deprived

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