The Perception Of Love In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is arguably the most famous, and tragic, love story in history. In this play, Shakespeare was able to convey many themes that influenced the perception of love even today. Romeo and Juliet is a cleverly orchestrated story that is conducted by a very dominant theme, the idea that love is a double edged sword. Granted, Shakespeare also includes the fascinations of fate, the icy touch of hate, and the curious collision of opposites. These differing ideologies and motifs are what, when combined, create such a brilliant masterpiece. Shakespeare portrays the power of love through Romeo and Juliet, and he uncovers the brutal and also beautiful realities of romance and the ways it can be unorthodox and even irrational at times.…show more content…
Romeo is portrayed as a”Petrarchan lover” whose feelings aren't reciprocated by the girl he admires. He expresses his discontentment through the way he separates himself from those around him and dramatically professes his sadness through sonnet and rhyme: “Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast, Which thou wilt propagate, to have it prest, with more of thine.” (Act 1, Scene 1, p. 15) Romeo denies that he could ever be diluted by love, but this is proved false as the play progresses and reveals the way he is in-love with the idea of love, and does not know how to love another person in a selfless way. Romeo's immature approach to romance is further explored when he first encounters Juliet. It is at this point that he realizes his affection for Rosaline is superficial: "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! / For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night" (Act I, Scene 5, p. 52-53). As the play progresses, Romeo's growing maturity is shown through the way he communicates with Juliet. He no longer speaks with artificial and empty words, and instead shows that his love for Juliet runs deeper than his love for bombast

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