The Morning Glory Cloud

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The Morning Glory Cloud: One of the unique, extraordinary, unusual kinds of clouds is called The Morning Glory cloud. The Morning Glory is a rare cloud that occasionally occurs. Description: This amazing cloud usually forms above Northern Australia specially the Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. It is a low altitude cloud about 1 km above the ground that stretches from horizon to horizon. It consists of a low roll cloud or sometimes a group of roll clouds combined together. Occasionally a shallow layer of fog over land that rapidly disappears comes before just before the formation of the cloud. And according to where does this cloud form it has three types The Northeasterly Morning Glory, Southerly Morning Glory and the Southeasterly Morning…show more content…
The Morning Glory can be noticed from late September to early November. Meteorologists consider The Morning Glory as a roll cloud or arcus cloud. It can reach 1,000 kilometers long and from 1 to 2 kilometers high. It travels at the speed of 10 to 20 meters per second often heading to the southwest The Morning Glory often comes with a gust sudden wind, high low level wind shear, a fast increase in the displacement of air parcels and a huge jump in the pressure at the surface. The cloud is continuously formed at one side and being vanished from the other side. This type of cloud can develop showers or even thunderstorms. There is a fast, powerful vertical movement of air molecules in the front of the cloud that moves the air up inside the cloud and forms the rolling shape, while the molecules of air at the end of the cloud and in the middle become unstable and submerge. After a while, the cloud quickly scatters over land where the air is drier. The Morning Glory could also contain only one single cloud so it will be described as a solitary wave. In this case, the wave has a single peak and moves at a stable speed and shape.…show more content…
First, Cape York is large enough that sea breezes develop on both sides. Cape York is a peninsula that lies in the east of the gulf. During the day, the air from the Coral Sea coast blows in from the east and the air from the gulf blows in from the west. The two breezes collide in the middle of the peninsula and this will make the air rise and form a line of clouds over the spine of Cape York. At night, the air cools and falls and at the same time a surface inversion forms above the gulf. The densities above and below the inversion differ in this stable layer. The air coming down from the peninsula to the east goes under the inversion layer this creates a group of waves or rolling cylinders which travels throughout the gulf. These air cylinders roll along under the inversion layer so the air goes up at the front of the wave and sinks at the end. In the early morning, the air becomes saturated enough so that the air going up forms a cloud, which forms the front edge of the cylinders, and dry up in the back, therefore forming the Morning Glory cloud. The continuous formation of the cloud at the leading edge makes the clouds look like as they are rotating, and for this reason it is also called as "roll cloud". When the surface inversion disappears because of the heating during the day the cloud vanish into thin
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