The Maids In The Help

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Question : Analyse how a main character’s attitudes and view of the world were present in the visual or oral text(s). The Help Directed By : Tate Taylor The Help directed by Tate Taylor is a film where they showed how maids were treated back in 1963 era. The director Tate taylor uses Skeeter one of the main characters to portray its Ideas and messages. Skeeter is a journalist who supports maids, Black maids, as most of the time they either insulted or discriminated. Skeeter’s attitudes and point of view was show throughout the film by her feeling for the maids so she decided to help them publishing about them, “Life of A Maid”. Aibileen one of the maids agreed on helping skeeter writing the story so that people can read and visualize how pain and suffer they go from. Aibileen tell her story from when she was little and was helping white families but were being paid only a little amount, so that they can only get food. She told how they were being accused of stealing if something was lost, Black maids were blamed. Skeeter’s attitude and point of views of the world was presented this film by showing us how she understood and always supported black maids. Skeeters Attitude…show more content…
As skeeter wore her outfit expressively it showed us audience that she didn't care what people thought of her appearance. She used props like hats and her writing materials to show her view of the world. She used her writing materials which is a prop in the film to show her view is by showing when she decided to write about life of a maid, she didn't care about the consequences that she could face when people would have realised it was Skeeter who wrote the book, and said some personal issues on Hilly. “eat my s***” was said by Minny to hilly, and as the movie went Hilly realised who wrote that and was addressing to her. This again shows us about Skeeters view of the

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