Why Boys Don T Play With Dolls Analysis

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When you’re a child your parents’ words guide and conform your actions, but we only perceive them as words. Although if you disobeyed you might be punished or reprimanded, because once you grow up parents become society. “ Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls” by Katha Pollitt talks about her claim on, “why the adult world or society is responsible for conforming children into gender roles.” Children learn from everyone and everything;thus forth, society as a whole influences the next generation. In addition, I agree with Pollitt’s claim that society is to blame, since as humans we “conform and adapt to what we find is necessary.” First off when you dissolve the human compound to its core, there are natural differences in the brain chemistry of each gender. Pollitt states, “innate brain chemistry isn’t responsible for conforming children.” According to several articles men have better perception and coordination, while women are better at social skills and memory. With this in mind it’s obvious men are fine tuned for physical activities like sports, while women are better…show more content…
As a result we can change society into whatever our desires are, whether it be “ a playground free of sex roles” or something else. In recent years due to many technological advances, the internet has grown to become an extremely relevant tool. Through the internet, it has educated millions, even more on topics they wouldn’t find relevant in school, such as LGBT, recent warfare, or economics.Throughout recent years humans across the globe have adapted to the change in times. For example 20 years ago just because someone was gay, they’d be discriminated or even persecuted. Although now many citizens worldwide would testify or defend someone else’s rights, whether they were straight, gay, or transexual. Society is something we created through various means to exercise status quo, trends, or whatever, but we can conform it to the people, not the

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