The Journey To Egypt: A Short Story

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A tryst with antique: Egypt…….. My very much awaited and anticipated, not so protracted journey to Egypt was very hectic. It started on rather a low note and I landed in Alexandria at 00:39 on the 14th of February, courtesy: ARAIBIAN AIRLINES!!! Without looking at the popular opinion that people had about the flight the 5 hour journey from Delhi to Alex went quite smooth (food on offer was below my expectations though). It was like a one dog night at Alex as the weather was gelid and glacial. When I walked off the airport at 2, it was like chill and winds of Kashmir in India! I expected a bit different. I expected Egypt (Alex) to be hot and scorching yet it was far away from what I thought. Never the less, I got on the taxi without a lot…show more content…
I reached by 2000, had my scrumptious meal and left for the international airport. I was helped by a noble driver who made me happy while he gushed about ‘Mr. Amitabh Bacchan’. During the flight I had a friendly conversation with a family from Istanbul. They told me about Istanbul and I shared, with them, the beauty of ‘Kerala’, a green and beautiful city in India. If soon I come across another jackpot, the next destination is surely going to be Istanbul. 7th January, 8am: I arrived at the ‘Indira Gandhi International Airport’ in Delhi, rushed back home and went to work. Egypt, Egyptians and the culture there were now a significant part of my past, though the experiences and memories will always remain rejuvenating. I wouldn’t ever say that people in Egypt were friendlier than those of Malaysia, but every place is unique huh! Egypt was a mix of rich culture and art, both in perfection and the correct blend as if it was a big canvas that was being painted with imagination. It was as if life itself was a never-ending journey in that world of mysteries. From this trip of mine I am leaving with a better understanding of how hard work and imagination work hand in hand, which will surely help me when I come to Egypt the next time. Until then let’s hope for the

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