The Influence Of Tiberius Gracchus On Rome

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The Enticing leader Tiberius Gracchus had the greatest impacts on Rome because, he was a civil, and a well respected leader who cared and sought help for the lower classes in the Roman Republic. In all of Tiberius’s life, he wanted to help and support the people who really needed it, and he succeeded in doing so. Tiberius Gracchus played a huge role in Rome from childhood to death, from 168 BC to 133 BC. Tiberius Gracchus was a part of the genteels of Rome. He was born into an aristocratic family with a lot of money. He had many connections in his family. Most of his relatives were important figures in the Roman government. His father was a military commander, and his mother came from a huge patrician family. In the early years of Tiberius’s life, his parents saw great potential in him, and they wanted the best for him. So, they enrolled him in many schools, and educated him so he could have the best education possible. That is why he is mostly known for his outstanding public speaking.…show more content…
Tiberius was a junior officer in the third punic war. Each of these Punics were wars fought between Carthage and Rome spanning throughout the years of 264 BC to 146 BC. In the army Tiberius was known for being very brave and disciplined. After his time in war, Rome named him a Quaestor in 137 BC. As quaestor, Tiberius saved the army from destruction by signing a peace treaty with the Numantines, an action generally reserved for a Legate. However, this generated more problems back in Rome because citizens thought that it was his fault for the weakness and loss of wars in

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