The Influence Of Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Animal Farm is a book in which livestock revolt against man. The story follows the animals as they gain their freedom, but while doing so find that power has a very dangerous influence. Throughout the revolution one individual named Napoleon takes all the power and ruins the original idea behind Animal Farm. This fictional farm is meant to mock the USSR with its political satire. George Orwell is a political activist, he wrote Animal Farm to share his opinion that the government has too much power. In his novel Animal Farm, George Orwell develops the idea that the influence of power exists in everyone but once attained by dishonourable individuals can only lead to amoral dictatorship. The first incident where power was a topic amongst the animals was after they got rid of the humans and someone needed to make the decisions. “The work of teaching and organising the others naturally fell upon the pigs, who were recognised as being the cleverest of the animals. Preeminent among the pigs were … Snowball and Napoleon.” Things work smoothly at the beginning when there are meetings and voting. The other animals are accepting of the pigs leadership while things function well. Here, Orwell is trying to…show more content…
When Napoleon takes over, he cancels all the meetings and only speaks to give orders, which creates a dictatorship because he doesn’t allow any other animals opinions to be heard and works the other animals ruthlessly. “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” This quote suits this situation because since Napoleon had so much control, when he abuses that power it will make everything much worse than if he had less authority. At this point Orwell is stating that when the wrong individuals take or are given power it can cause great
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