The Influence Of Pop Culture In Sports

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Derrick Rose is a point guard for the Chicago Bulls. Rose was a star from the beginning of his career. Derrick Rose was the most valuable player of the NBA in the 2010-2011 season. He had a nationwide fan base, not only people in Chicago. In the 2012 season, injury struck Derrick Rose. He had a career ending ACL tear. Rose was out for the rest of the season and the majority of the next. Rose’s ACL tear led to many people criticizing his return. He was criticized on the internet, radio shows, as well as television programs. Pop culture made Derrick Rose’s return more difficult than it already would be. Pop culture is popular topics given through mass media, targeted at younger people. Pop culture is manufactured, being more of a product than it is an art. It…show more content…
The convenience if these shows are one reason they are so popular among sports fans. Another reason is because they are so easy to understand and interrupt what the host is saying. After Derrick Rose tore his ACL, everyone interested in sports heard about it. The Jim Rome radio show is an example of this. During one of Rome’s broadcasts, NBA Commissioner David Stern said, “Some part of it is lack of preparedness by our players before the season began. It’s a combination of things.”(Hayes) Stern was talking about the luck of Derrick Rose’s ACL injury and how it happened because of his lack of preparation before the beginning of the season. After this statement there was talk all over social media by not only fans but also players. This caused lots of arguments due to one comment by the NBA Commissioner. This caused tension. The tension among the players, coaches, and the NBA commissioner caused headlines. These headlines lead to the hype of fans. This is an example of pop culture. The spark of one thing leads to a chain reaction in the spark of many other things. Derrick Rose’s injury is just one example of many that has caused tension between this

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