The Importance Of The American Dream

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Most Americans have the intentions of achieving their American Dream. The American Dream, according to James Truslow Adams in 1931, is “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement…” (Adams 214). It is the way your life has to be in order for you to be the happiest you could possibly be. This is different for every person. However, there are three elements that a lot of people share in common with their dream. One part to this is being able to take care of your family and support them. The ability to own your own home. An opportunity to choose and succeed in the career you want. Not all will get what they want by just sitting at home doing…show more content…
That day you start a family, most will want the world for them. With family, usually there is unconditional love that is felt between the members. Believing they deserve everything and trying to give them that. Today, however, that is a very difficult task to accomplish. Money is a constant struggle for many, and with them not being able to provide what they believe is fit, makes them sad. Being sad pushes you even further from your end goal. In a 2016 article, the stats for happiness in Americans is 31 out every 100 people are happy. That is less than half of the people in only 100 total. It is proven that women tend to be more happy than men, but then again a lot of men are given the job of money provider to support the family. The numbers do not lie, with every 33 women that are happy there are only 29 men who acquire happiness. 86% of Americans claim they are close and happy with their relatives. “Those reporting being the happiest were men and women who were in high income households and those with a high school diploma or less,” according to John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. The key factor for providing for your close ones, is to provide…show more content…
About one out of every four US professionals have said that they have pursued and earned a living from their childhood dream job (Elmer 1). In America, it should be that almost every person gets to follow their childhood wishes. Many come from other countries in hopes of finding a better life for themselves and as workers. If we can not even achieve that as American’s, how are we able to present the United States as a place where dreams come true? Only 6% of the average Americans get their dream jobs as kids. If the American Dream to you includes getting the career you have always dreamed of, the odds are not looking so good. No, this idea of the American dream is not an easy task. It is surely not fair for the generality of America. In previous paragraphs, it is mentioned that being able to provide for your family and provide shelter are common wishes, and they are. In order to achieve this, you are gonna need a job that pays well enough to provide such gifts. Unfortunately, there is an abundant amount of citizens who struggle to even keep their families in
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