The Importance Of Procedural Justice

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Procedural justice specializes in the method or the steps acquired from the management to attain a just decision. Procedural concerns, such as equal employment opportunities, fair disciplinary actions, reward system, and trustworthiness of the decision making, are vital factors to enhance employee's perception of procedural justice. If the managerial methods and procedures are perceived to be fair, then employees will be more satisfied and more likely to form a positive attitude towards management's decisions, hence results to less conflict between employer and employees (Yean, 2016). According to Henderson, et al. (2010), fair treatment matters to people because it relays important information about their social status and inherent worth.…show more content…
They found out that when faculty members do not believe that these processes do not produce fair outcomes, they might prefer to remain silent. In other words, perception in procedural injustices might lead to silence. Additionally, procedural justice is related to decision-making processes, and supervisors are highly influential on decisions related to daily practices in universities. Therefore, it is not surprising that trust in supervisor increases the effect of perceived procedural justice on their silence. When faculty members do not trust their supervisor, they might feel that he or she will not make fair decisions regarding their contribution to the organization, which might lead to their…show more content…
Many previous studies on perceived justice indicate that procedural justice is more significant on employees to perceive organizational practices as fair. Employees with a higher procedural justice perception believe that decision making procedures in the organization are expectedly produce fair outcomes (Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, 2010). Another study conducted by He & Wu (2014), which supports the notion that procedural justice positively impacts employee engagement, hence it extends the list of potential positive outcomes of procedural justice to include a focal employee work role performance. Procedural justice is a form of motivation and it has been proven and tested as a potential motivational force for employee behaviours and performance. In addition, according to the study of Biswas & Varma (2013), that engagement is influenced by employees’ perception of organizational justice and their expectations as a result of reasonable distribution and fair procedures. Thus, in order to maintain employees’ retention in the organization and to extend their engagement with their job, organizations must ensure policies and practices that posit employees’ justice

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