The Importance Of Maternal Education

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Introduction Maternal education has often been suggested and examined while looking at factors that influences child morbidity. While correlations between maternal education and child health have been observed in diverse parts of the world, and much discussion has focused on the various pathways on how maternal education has contributed to lowering child morbidity, there is an important literature gap that has not been bridged. Research on predictors of child morbidity has always focused on maternal characteristics, neglecting the role of the father in influencing the health of the child. It has often been argued that children of educated mothers experience lower morbidity than children of uneducated mothers (Desai), however, there is the question…show more content…
As South Korea is still a highly patriarchal society in today’s context, the father may still be the ultimate decision maker when it comes to health behaviors of the children. In this context, the effects of the education levels of the father may be stronger than that of the mother, reflecting a stronger social class determinant of the family (Bluemenshine). It has also been proposed that paternal education may better reflect a mother’s social and economic circumstances than her own education. Hence, paternal education is an important socioeconomic marker that may predict birth outcomes over and above maternal socioeconomic indicators, reflecting social and/or economic factors not measured by maternal education or family income (Bluemenshine). Situating itself in a highly patriarchal context, this paper intends to contribute to the literature on paternal education and child morbidity by examining the impact of paternal education on preterm births in South…show more content…
In addition, attributes and traits correlated with education allows for individuals to acquire health knowledge (Altindag, 2010). Academic capabilities such as literacy help fathers to become more receptive to health information through various sources such as mass media, social media, and healthcare services. Schooling also instils into individuals greater problem-solving skills, as well as the capacity to internalize novel messages (Vikram). Educated fathers therefore are more likely to internalize and practice health-seeking information and behaviors during the pregnancy term of their children, supervising and keeping an eye on their partner’s health behaviors. For example, educated fathers are more likely to understand the importance of intermittent perinatal checkups, the need for the mothers to take folic acid, and where to gain access to information for his unborn child and his wife. Perinatal education and checkups are vital as it allows for early detection of genetic diseases, birth deformations or any risks of early child birthing. All these allows for better health practices, reducing the chances of adverse birth outcomes, through paternal

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