The Motorcycle Diaries

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“The most significant ramification of any discovery is change” Discuss this statement with reference to Motorcycle Diaries and two related texts of your choice, Discoveries are usually unpredictable and sudden, encompassing the experience of finding something for the first time or rediscovering something that has been lost or forgotten. A discovery can offer new values and ideas, allowing for speculation of the future and ultimately changing the perspectives of the individual. However these transformative impacts may not always be beneficial. These aspects of discovery are explored through the text ‘The Motorcycle Diaries’ by Che Guevara, the short film ‘The Mysterious Exploration of Jasper Morello’ directed by Anthony Lucas and movie ‘The…show more content…
Throughout their travels in South America, the two men encountered various adversities including the breaking down of their motorcycle which was a major turning point, forcing them to travel alongside locals on other forms of transport in order to complete their journey. By these means, they interacted with the many disadvantaged people of the area and were granted an understanding of the injustices thrust upon them. The corruption within the Chilean mining operations run by the Americans is a fine example of these faced by the Chileans and thus humbled both men but more so Che. By utilising their knowledge in medicine, they helped the ill in return, gained respect and favours from the community as payment. During their stay in South America, both men were able to go through first-hand experience of the conditions which ultimately offered a brand new perspective, appreciation of everything they were fortunate to have. As their trip comes to an end, Granada remains behind while Che returns to America to finish off his medical degree, thus signifying that Che has grown independent as a result of this journey and is now all grown…show more content…
In the short film, Morello who is a navigator is recruited for an expedition away from the city of Gothia where he and his wife lives. The purpose of this trip was to find a cure for an ongoing plague occurring in the city, however throughout the trip, there is tension between the ship’s captain and Morello as due to a miscalculation made by Morello on a previous trip, causing a crash and loss of lives. As a result of that event, Morello vowed to be more careful, not risking any more lives. On their voyage, they land on a mysterious island infested with man-eating creatures, containing the cure for the plague in its blood. This discovery is a critical moment in the story as it causes the deaths of all but two crew members, the Professor and Jasper. The professor, who has grown fond of the creatures, fed the other members to it in order to ensure its survival, blackmailing Jasper to navigate back to the city if he wanted to save the city and his wife from the plague. Although he did want to save the city, he was still angered by the actions of the Professor, hence ironically killing him by crashing the ship. This in turn goes against what he says earlier about being a changed man and not letting a single person die by his hands
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