F. Scott Fitzgerald's Contribution To American Literature And Culture

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“Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.” In 2009, according to Erik Adler, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s contributions to american literature and culture are why we focus on him as an American Icon. From his rise to prominence as a promising young novelist, to his free-wheeling lifestyle in Europe, to his death in obscurity and re-evaluation, his life is known to aspire writers today and in the past, and is a source of equal parts inspiration and sympathy. (pg 1) Aside from having a major literary voice in the roaring twenties and thirties, his personal life resulted in the creation of his best novels known today. The dominant influences on Fitzgerald’s life were aspiration, literature, Princeton, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, and alcohol.…show more content…
Growing up bouncing around, Fitzgerald’s writings of his greatest novels were shown through his personal experiences while also growing as a person. In practical terms, this meant that he had to support himself by writing short stories for popular magazines in order to get sufficient income. (Fitzgerald 2017) Fitzgerald’s life involved getting accepted into a current Ivy League school, dropping out and giving his life to alcohol, falling in love with Zelda Sayre, whom he wrote his greatest novels about, and becoming financially unstable all wrap up to create the best novels this society has discovered. Even through his toughest times, The Great Gatsby and A Side of Paradise were just a few of his greatest accomplishments, while there are many more. Being an Irish American Jazz novelist and short story writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald continues to bring an impact on American Culture today through his incredible

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