The Globe Theatre In The Shakespeare's Theatre

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Globe Theatre Audience Essay Although Shakespeare's plays were performed at other venues during the playwright's career, the Globe Theatre in the Southwark district of London was the venue at which the Shakespeare's best known stage works (including his four great tragedies) were first produced. The Globe was built during Shakespeare's early period in 1599 by one of his long-standing associates, Cuthbert Burbage, the brother of the most famous Shakespearean actor of the Elizabethan Age, Richard Burbage. Compared to the technical theatres of today, the London public theatres in the time of Queen Elizabeth were very limited. The plays could only be performed at daylight because resources such as a light bulb were not present and the stage scenery…show more content…
This had to be conveyed by the playwright through vivid and descriptive language so the audience could understand the play. Not having light, Shakespeare had to indicate whether it was night or day by using speeches rich in metaphors and descriptive details. Although, the theatre was very limited it still contained some resources that the playwright could use to the best of their ability to reach out to wider audiences. The costumes worn by the actors were made to be very sophisticated. Costumes conveyed recognizable meanings for the audience such as a rich aristocrat wearing silk clothes with many ruffles. Many times music and sound effects were also used such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to stimulate a feeling of…show more content…
With such large audiences, plays only had short runs and then had to be replaced. Between 1560 and 1640 about 3,000 new plays were written. To attract the crowds, these plays often re-told famous stories from the past, and they used violence, music and humor to keep people’s attention. This was vital because, if audiences didn’t like a play, they made their feelings known. At the Swan in 1602, the audience damaged the chairs, stools, curtains and walls. And, in 1629, a visiting French company was hissed and ‘pippin-pelted’ from the stage. This was because the company used women to play the female roles, something which outraged the audience. Since it was so involved in the performance of a play, the audience was vital to its

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