The Forest In The Scarlet Letter

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In the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne utilizes the forest as the embodiment of freedom for members of the Puritan society in need of a refuge from the daily Puritan life. The forest itself is a free world with no Puritan laws. In the forest, no one watches to report unusual behaviors this, people can do what they desire. The forest opens up a whole new world. The forest is described as a “path strangled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest” (172). The word mystery indicates that there are different sides in a forest. It may be a place for wrong doings or chants being delivered by witches but it can also a place to express their freedom. Mister Hibbins is a witch and does her practices in the forest. One day, as Hester and Pearl are…show more content…
The forest is “never subjugated by human law, nor illumined by higher truth-with the bliss of these two spirits!” (192) The forest is a different world that is controlled by nature and has no rules as opposed to the community with its manmade puritan laws. In the forest, the letter on Hester and Dimmesdale chest can no longer have an effect on them, “Had the forest still kept its gloom, it would have been bright in Hester’s eyes, and bright in Arthur Dimmesdale’s!” (192) The forest represents a key to unlock the problems of Hester and Dimmesdale because it allows them to both be themselves. The forest may be something not that admirable but once inside, it opens the door of freedom for Hester and Dimmesdale in which they can express their love for each other without the Puritan society judging them. Dimmesdale says “Be though strong for me, advise me what to do.” (203) This is Dimmesdale’s cry for help to Hester, which they could never discuss in their Puritan village. The Puritans believe that you should have yourself to depend on emotionally, spiritually, and physically. In the Puritan society, Hester could never show her true emotions to Dimmesdale or their comfort to one another. However, in the world away from the Puritan society, they are free to express
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