The Entitlement Theory

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II. Main Issues Some issues that some people may run across are issues such as, The Abusing of Power. The abusing of power falls under a various things. People become police officers and firefighters because they seek the power and status of the job one might say. They feel as if the title or position allows them to have more power than should or they forget as if they were once that same citizen, once upon a time. That’s not the case with them all though. Some really do have the heart to help others and they truly are destined to be and do what they are set out to be. Some have that mind set when they first start out but over a period of time there mind becomes all corrupt with the power and a turn for worse. Though the police cultures…show more content…
The Entitlement theory is used for viewing police relations. The Entitlement theory provides a certain view on police culture and provides a hypothetical base for understanding police behavior and their response to stress. This theory suggests that most individuals may or may not develop deficiencies in their capability to understand and perform in a commonly humble manner .Back in the older day’s police culture proposed that early attachment experiences, police training and work culture, resulting view of self and others, and distressing experiences in the line of duty all give to emotional and personal problems in some police officers. Police culture deals a lot of politics. This all las a part of the problem with Media. Most associations of police culture are negative. For example, many have stated that the major obstacle to reforming the police is the Culture. Many have said that the culture often ratifies the damages of citizen rights and misuses of police authority. Relatedly, some researchers have established that some efforts are ensuring accountability of the police have been met with social resistance. On the contrary, there are positive sides of police culture that should not be understated. Like other occupations, the collectiveness of culture helps to buffer the strains that officers face on a daily basis. Furthermore, the preparations of police culture are thought to teach new professional members about the day-to-day mechanisms of police work, by the experienced officers, in learning the skills of policing. Finally, researchers have recognized how culture can actually be used as a positive tool in restructuring the police, along with ratifying and avoiding inappropriate police conduct. Overall, police culture is a beneficial concept in understanding many sides of policing from investigating forms of police abnormality, learning the ropes, day-to-day working,
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