Economic Innovations And Cultural Differences In America In The 1920's

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After World War 1, America was introduced to a decade of new economic innovations and cultural differences that America had never experienced before. This decade was known as the “Roaring Twenties” and also the “Jazz Age” which introduced new ways of life and personal freedom for many Americans. The US economy boomed during this era up until October 1929, when the stock market crashed. The Roaring Twenties was fueled by the new economic order, foreign investment, prosperity, and optimism, which created a foundation for our country, and the decades to come. At the beginning of the 1920s, America was in the process of overcoming a post-war recession and was headed towards an economic boom. Many economic innovations and new political ideals began to surface at the beginning of the decade. Starting with the election of Republican President, Warren G. Harding in 1920, who believed in getting America back to its older Republican ideals, and focused on adding new economic improvements to the country. Harding’s presidency was short lived, but he still managed to get America back on the right track by helping increase gross national product, increase in employment opportunities, and an increase in real earnings for wage workers. After President Harding’s death in 1923, the Republican Party continued to dominate politics with the election of President Calvin Coolidge. He focused highly on continuing to carry America to greatness by cutting taxes, encouraging global expansion of American businesses, and supported laws to oversee the expansion of new industries and growing businesses.…show more content…
The agriculture industry experienced a decline in profit during the first half of the decade. The overproduction of crops led to a decrease in prices and crops that could not be

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