The Dust Bowl Research Paper

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The early 1900's were a time of turmoil for farmers in the United States, especially in the Great Plains region. Once World War 1 ended farmers had overproduced the amount of crops resulting in a price drop. When farmers first arrived to the Midwest region they farmed as much as they could because of the high prices and demand that was needed. Farmers were becoming careless in the way they were planting crops only caring about the profit they eventually started farming on grasslands that were not made for farming. As a result of the constant plowing done by the farmers year after year and the lack of rainfall, the soil was beginning to lose its fertility. With unfertile, dry land, the crops were starting to die, and then were blown away…show more content…
The drought and the dust storms, were a one of the reasons for the poor farming in the Great Plains. Because of the droughts the soil became very dry and unfertile. This area, known as the Dust Bowl, was a location of dust storms during the 1930's. The storms accompanied the drought and intensified the farmer’s problems. With the drought many of the fields weren’t great for growing crops. As a result the fields were so dry that the soil would be blown away with the passing wind. Many fields were beginning to be damaged by the dust. The Oklahoma Panhandle was hit for twenty-two straight days of dust storms, which caused drifts everywhere. Although the dust storms were less common in 1934, it was the year when this problem gained national attention for the region because of the heat. Also in 1934, about 350 million tons of soil was lost in one storm. The next year was a time of large and powerful dust storms. In the month of May in 1935, a storm "Black Sunday" made winds that would reach up to sixty miles per hour and left a large amount of farms

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