Bill Of Rights In Australia

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INTRODUCTION A declaration of rights, also commonly referred to as a Bill of Rights, is a list of important rights for the citizens of that particular country. The Bill of rights protects the rights of citizens by having a list of rules or regulations that the community must follow; rules and regulations that are most commonly known as entrenched or unentrenched rights. When a Bill of rights is entrenched this means it cannot be modified or repealed by a country’s parliament. Of course all things can be changed and for a entrenched Bill, a referendum is held. When a Bill of rights is unentrenched the Bill can be modified and is classed as normal statute law. This means it can be repealed and changed at the will of the legislature. In Australia, there has always been a divide to whether or not the decision to have or not to have a Bill of rights is the correct decision…show more content…
It should be made with the knowledge of our history and an appreciation of the strengths of our legal system at the current time but most importantly should be an individual choice, not one forced upon to you by politicians, advocates or anyone else trying to persuade you; everyone has their decision to make. In my opinion, I believe a Bill of rights is not needed in Australian society, due to the fact that the above against arguments far outweigh that of the in favour arguments. I strongly believe in the old saying of “what is not broken, is not worth fixing”, and that is how it stands today for our legal system. The nation of Australia has one of the, if not, the best legal system in the world today, due to the fact of its fairness, reliability and the lengthy rules and regulations put into place in order to protect and offer assistance to the citizens of Australia. Although there are many arguments in favour of having a Bill of rights in Australia; I believe the arguments against far outweigh
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