The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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Maggie Priole Mrs. Geonnotti 9/2/15 My View of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Imagine being trapped behind a fence without your friends or family and knowing that you may be heading on a terrible path to death. Being a nine year old child in this type of situation would have a heavy outcome. This is due to the fact that children have imaginative minds. In a child’s conscience, the world is one perfect society when the world can actually be full of war and lost dreams. Children often have curious minds and want to go beyond their boundaries. In Bruno’s case, he wanted to see what lies on the other side of the fence. In the end, his curiosity got the worst of him. However, in this situation curiosity killed Bruno. Even though Bruno was just…show more content…
One example would be when Bruno goes to the fence everyday to talk to Shmuel and never gets caught. In reality, soldiers would be at every corner guarding the concentration camp. Also, if Auschwitz were one of the most infamous concentration camps in history, you would expect it to be heavily guarded the moment he tried to cross. Another example would be when Bruno crosses to the other side of the fence. If this were the real Auschwitz camp, Bruno would have been caught by a soldier the moment he tried. This is the scene in which Bruno shortly after he crossed the fence: Instead there were crowds of people sitting together in groups, staring at the ground, looking horribly sad; Instead there were crowds of people sitting together in groups, staring at the ground, looking horribly sad; Shmuel opened his mouth to answer, but right at that moment there was a loud whistle and ten soldiers – more than Bruno had ever seen gathered together in one place before – surrounded an area of the camp, the area which Bruno and Shmuel were standing. (Boyne 210) These factors that were explained support the fact that it’s Realistic Fiction. One last example would be when Bruno brings food to Shmuel. Bruno’s father would have known what he was up to because he was Nazi commandant. His father would have been more suspicious considering they live right next to a concentration

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