Personal Statement: Why I Love College Football

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College football is a sport that you have to get into, you have to have a strong liking for it and follow it to understand. Most people in the North do not really care for it but most people in the South adore it. While pro sports is mostly about the money and the fame, college football has more to it than that. Athletes play the game because they love to play football. The atmosphere to everyone around is incredible and there is nothing else like it in the world. College football is something different to every person, but to me, it is everything. Growing up in a small town in Texas, everybody knew each other and everybody loved college football. Everyone in my family went to Texas Tech University, except for my Uncle Trey. He wanted to do…show more content…
He told me and showed me why college football is so great and so much more than just a game. I will always love college football and have a passion for it more than every other sport out there. It was hard for me to move to New Jersey from Texas because in Texas, so many more people like college football, but in New Jersey, most people only care for the NFL. It was frustrating, but just like always, me and my Dad would sit on the couch and watch college football all day and all night long. My Uncle is also a big part of who I am today and why I love the game so much. Every Thanksgiving, our whole family would travel to his house and watch the Texas vs. Texas A&M game. He is the biggest college football fan I know. He will scream at the top of his lungs all game long because he his so passionate. In life, it does not matter what it is, if you are passionate about something and enjoy doing it, then do it, be passionate about it, love what you are doing and do not care about what anyone else thinks about it. The reason I came to Missouri all the way from New Jersey was because of the Sports Journalism program here. I am not sure yet if I will be too good at it, but I want to try because I do not just love college football, I love, and will work for pretty much any sport out

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