Maya Angelou Daring To Dare

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Maya Angelou once said, “The most important single thing beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.” What is daring to dare? Daring to dare could be having enough courage to overcome fears or it could be having enough confidence to not be afraid to take chances. By daring to dare, a person is free from hindrances that may keep themselves from experiencing the best life possible. If a person is willing to take chances, the person would be more likely to increase their curiosity, more likely to meet their goals, and more likely to be happy. To understand the thoughts of Dr. Maya Angelou, one must understand who she was. Angelou was a highly influential civil rights activist and received honors such as the Presidential Medal of Arts and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, not to mention three Grammy Awards. She also held 50 honorary doctorate degrees and could speak multiple languages. ( Dr. Maya Angelou was a perfect example of how discipline, creativity, and daring to dare can truly change one’s life. Angelou talks of how curiosity is important, but curiosity is nonexistent without daring to dare. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines curiosity as “the desire to learn or know more about someone or something”. This desire is met and kept alive by daring to dare. A person who is…show more content…
Some of the world’s most successful and influential people are in that position because of the courage and confidence they portrayed when pursuing new ideas. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is one of the richest men in the world due to working hard and taking a risk. Donald Trump, a successful businessman and presidential nominee, took many risks in entertainment, real estate, and sports industries and is now also one of the most successful men on the planet. By taking a risk, or daring to dare, a person is more likely to be a

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