The Bible: The Choice Of Bondage

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The Choice of Bondage Homosexual behavior and the bondage that it creates in the hearts of those who continue to practice it, is something that God has declared He will give them over to, the lust for one another of the same sex. The Bible is clear that homosexual relations is never something that God makes accommodations for, He gives them over to their desires, lets people become enslaved. The word of God refers to them as unnatural and shameful lusts. Our world is full of Christians that are fearful of judgement, rejection, and maybe even persecuted, for speaking the truth about God’s word. In addition to the tragedy of people of faith being cowardly we are also standing by allowing people to get sucked into this way of life because of the…show more content…
It intensifies lust, a sad distortion of love, by amplifying the apparent significance of concupiscent desires. It fosters a despairing self-pity, harming hope, which is meant to motivate moral virtues. And it encourages a strong sense of entitlement, which often undermines the obedience of faith by demanding the overthrow of doctrines that seem to repress “who I really am.” defines homosexuality as “a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex” and lust as “intense sexual desire or appetite” and nature law as “a principle or body of laws considered as derived from nature, right reason, or religion and as ethically binding in human society” (, n.d.). also states that: Up until 1986, homosexuality was listed in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry's standard reference on the classification of mental illness. People aware of this former categorization may feel that the term homosexual stills carries a negative connotation. And some feel that this word places undue emphasis on sexual activity, or that it sounds overly clinical. (,…show more content…
In Collin’s book she makes mention of several studies done on identical twins, fraternal twins and siblings. First off, to state the obvious, if homosexuality is genetic then every single set of identical twins that had the specific genetics of homosexuality would all be homosexual. In fact, that is not the case, people speak of genetics being something that no one has any power over, they say that homosexual is how they were born, but again, if that were the case, then neither identical twin would have the power to not be homosexual. When in fact one of a pair of identical twins declares they are homosexual they are not both saying that they are homosexual every single time. This shows that there are choices involved, decisions made along the way to continue to feed the attraction. When those who are struggling with lust for the same sex choose to repeat the behavior they will eventually become enslaved by God turning them over to the lusts of their flesh, they establish a bondage. Now it is important to remember that God will turn any one of us over to our immorality not just homosexual behavior. It is not the only sin that creates bondage, in fact, we become slaves to all sin without the power of the Holy Spirit ruling over our

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