Religion And Religion In Tocqueville

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Tocqueville repeatedly mentions the equality and similarities of man under Democracy. He later elaborates on this by expressing our desire to categorize and the way in which Americans lack leisure time. He writes, "When it comes to the influence of one man's mind over another's, that is necessarily very restricted in a country where the citizens have all become more or less similar they do not recognize any signs of incontestable greatness or superiority in any of their fellows, are continually brought back to their own judgement as the most apparent and accessible truth." Tocqueville is essentially making note of the individuality of American's along with our inherently human desire to judge. He later explains how this can be problematic because…show more content…
It is no surprise citizens were weaning away from various religions following the end of the Enlightenment era in the 1800s. I enjoyed how Tocqueville makes known even when Americans do accept religion they seldom look to any specific authority. Instead, they adopt the most uniform and single religion. Tocqueville claims due to this trait of people, " It cannot be denied that pantheism has made progress in our time." Tocqueville describes the impact religion has in guiding the people. He expresses the lack of morally righteous free will among people and the necessity of religion in society. Tocqueville states, " When there is no authority in religion or in politics, men are soon frightened by the limitless independence which they are faced... For my part, I doubt man can support complete religious independence and entire political liberty at the same time." I believe this to be true because for many people religion acts as a moral compass, despite America's separation of church and state Christianity is interwoven into various sects. He goes onto write about the way in which equality favors self- interests, and religion counteracts this. I believe that religion is a great tool for guiding morality, following Aquinas's hierarchy of laws. We first are presented with a Divine law (Ten commandments/ Bible) which correlates with the Natural law of the universe and in accordance with these two groups, we create laws which humans abide by. I believe this is the loose framework of our Democratic
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