Corruption In Catholicism In The Canterbury Tales

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Corruption in Catholicism The Holy Catholic Bible states in, 2 Peter 2:19, “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” This quote directly relates to Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales because the characters in the story reflect his own opinion of the harshly corrupt ways of the Medieval Catholic Church. In these times, the church’s goal consisted of making money instead of devoting oneself to God. Because of the lackadaisical ways expressed by the clergy members, rules were disregarded, leading them to live their lives in an unholy way. These so called leaders of faith lacked responsibility and ownership, and their morals were slightly off balanced. The way Chaucer negatively depicts these clerics directly correlates with his opinions of the Church. Reflecting on Chaucer’s opinion on the corruptiveness of the Church; the prioress, friar, and pardoner display imperfect moral flaws. Embodying exactly how a clergy member must not behave, Madame Eglantyne shows more concern for earthly treasures than her earthly duties. Early on, it becomes…show more content…
The pardoner, also acts far from how he should, as regards to a clergyman. Making his living selling faux relics to villagers and at the same time, he preaches against avarice himself. The pardoner, of course, proves hypocritical, for he collects everyone’s money out of greed; using his title and power to deceive others: “but best of all he sang an offertory; for well he knew that when that song was sung, then might he preach, and all with polished tongue. To win some silver, as he right well could; therefore he sang so merrily and so loud” (710-714). By pretending to be dedicated to God and his work, the pardoner wins over the love and trust of the members of Church; proving his greediness and disregard for anyone but

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