Actress, Sofia Vergara, is well known for her role as the mischievous wife in the critically acclaimed comedy, Modern Family. Her slim figure, long brown hair, and Hollywood success make Sofia Vergara the ideal sponsor for Pepsi Cola and Westernized feminine beauty. In 2011, Pepsi released “The New Skinny Can” campaign, which features a diet Pepsi can in the shape of a slim, toned down body. The phrase “new” is a popular technique used to exploit the latest, most innovative product. Ironically, Pepsi
A hidden threat: An Analysis of “The Culture of Thin Bites Fiji” Living in Kansas, we all fear tornadoes, being American’s, we fear terrorism, we fear our children and families being harmed. But what if I told you there was a bigger threat in America, one that not only affects teenagers but adults as well. This threat hides in our computer screens, billboards, and even our televisions. Ellen Goodman exposes the social media effects on young girls and women, in her Boston Globe column “The Culture
ANORECTAL ABSCESS AND FISTULA Anorectal abscesses and anal fistulas are disease processes that have their basis of understanding and treatment firmly rooted in the anatomic design of the anal canal. The potential for disastrous complications is real. Careful, thorough, and meticulous care in the diagnosis and treatment of fistulous abscesses will result in successful outcomes in most cases. Perirectal and perianal abscess are commonly encountered problems in surgical practice. Timely