The Culture Of Thin Bites Fiji Analysis

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A hidden threat: An Analysis of “The Culture of Thin Bites Fiji” Living in Kansas, we all fear tornadoes, being American’s, we fear terrorism, we fear our children and families being harmed. But what if I told you there was a bigger threat in America, one that not only affects teenagers but adults as well. This threat hides in our computer screens, billboards, and even our televisions. Ellen Goodman exposes the social media effects on young girls and women, in her Boston Globe column “The Culture of Thin bites Fiji. Goodman insinuates the introduction of television has caused a complete 180 to the island of Fiji. Fiji was an island oblivious to the western culture, a place where “being fat” was desired. Shortly after the introduction of television,…show more content…
By her use of statistics she has provided the reader a clear before and after image, she is showing us actual results after the introduction of the television. She uses this strategy to leave no question in the readers mind that the introduction of television in Fiji has caused eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. Goodman knows that the issue has not been fully embraced “ Hollywood hasn’t been exactly eager to acknowledge the connection between image and illness” and in her last attempt to drive the issue forward. In her last paragraph Goodman switches from statistics to an emotional appeal. She uses this strategy to evoke emotion and arouse feeling. Her column finishes with one last thought “over the past few weeks since the Columbine High massacre, it is pretty clear that boys are literally learning how to hate and harm others”. This is a huge point in her column, her use of the recent tragedy successfully delivers her intent. The seriousness of the Columbine High massacre, cannot be overlooked, children are dying. Goodman shows just how powerful the influence of video games can be to boys and the serious effects of such an overlooked…show more content…
Yes, television does not directly cause bulimia, but she wants us to use common sense. With just “one channel” the society changed from seeing robust as healthy to repulsive. Then imagine how our women and teens are being affected by being immersed in social media. She understands that people don’t like to be told to do things. And by using the word “we” throughout her column she leaves room for the reader to think about her message and make the connections. She never directly tells the reader what she wants them to do. Nor does she lecture the reader, but by using humor she allows us to further think more into the issue. She has delivered her point and has wakened us to the issue, now it is up to us to do the rest. Social media has affected us all, and our teens are the ones being affected the most. Now I leave you with this question are tornadoes and terrorism the only threat to

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