Technology In The 20th Century

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At the beginning of the 20th Century, the average person in the small towns of Europe held a distinctly different attitude towards science than they did towards technology. Technology seemed familiar to them as man has been using technology since the beginning of its existence. The first machines of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were simply extensions of familiar techniques.[1](Handlin, pg: 186) The machines were not totally strange and the waterwheels, the great drive shafts and pulleys embodied the old and known principles. Science, on the other hand, was a new concept that people did not understand and thus feared. The community at that time regarded ways of knowing outside the tradition with suspicion. Thus, everything new and…show more content…
Even though people struggled earnestly to preserve the old traditions, but they could not resist the transformation which changed their ways of doing and ways of knowing.The ways of doing became Technology, evolved continuously from past experiences and were simply extensions of familiar techniques.[1](Handlin, pg: 186) Though craftsmen displaced by machines expressed their resentment- in Luddite riots and in political hostility to the growth of corporations but the masses employed at the machines accepted their situation without shock as after suffering from difficult conditions of labor and life, their trials were tempered by confidence in the human capacity to master the devices that were products of human ingenuity.[1](Handlin, pg: 187) The ways of knowing became Science because the details of information were not critical and one could not verify the worth of the open-field system- or the efficacy of prayer with traditional ways of knowing.[1](Handlin, pg: 189) Men wished to know these not in order to decide as between alternatives courses of action, but in order to feel secure in the acts, and science help reveal the truth.[1](Handlin, pg: 189) It also drew the support by its utility in improving ways of doing, demonstrable in practical results. There came to be a belief that every deficiency in man’s world was definable as a problem to which the correct ways of knowing would…show more content…
Some technologies draw heavily on scientific research while others make little use of it. For example, In the 1930s, aerodynamic forces were not well understood and the first Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge of that time collapsed due to wind-induced vibrations. The engineering community had to study and better understand aerodynamics in designing long suspension bridges. Thus, science needed to catch up with technology for technology to proceed. Even though the science and technology go hand in hand but their impact on traditional society varies. Science focuses on describing reality whereas technology focuses on achieving practical solutions to concrete problems.[2] (Oberdan, Ch: 3) As a result, scientific solutions have a different impact on traditional based society than technology has. Science is often shaped by how we (or scientists) think while technology is shaped by what we need. Science and Technology are different in a way that Science and scientists have been thought of as the pursuit of knowledge free from Political, Organizational and economic constraints.[2] (Oberdan, Ch: 5) People’s perception is that scientists will do their best work if left alone to dwell on their work and thus

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