Tacos For Dinner

363 Words2 Pages
1. While I was going to the store yesterday. Fragment; Corrected: I saw a deer while I was going to the store yesterday. 2. I made tacos for dinner last night they were good. Run-on: Corrected. I made tacos for dinner last night. They were good. 3. I ran. Fragment; Corrected: I ran to Community Park and back. 4. After going to the concert, Susie was tired. Sentence; No Correction 5. Because nothing that her dog does surprises her anymore. Fragment; Corrected. Suzie just laughs, because nothing that her dog does surprises her anymore. 6. Since Amy moved to another town. Fragment; Corrected: My brother has been sad since Amy moved to another town. 7. Fran brought chili to the office lunch, she spilled it all over the floor. Run-on;

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