Creon's Struggle In Sophocles Antigone

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In present day South Africa , disobedience to the law is punishable by the state .There are fundamental principals to which the state is governed .In Ancient Greek , the king has the power to overrule the state , such a dilemma can never occur in present day South Africa , due to the existence of parliamentary and municipality parties . The struggles that occur in the play Sophocles Antigone, could be perceived differently in present day South Africa, due to the ruling systems in place .The high amplitude of differences between both eras creates a vast comparison between the characters, aesthetics’ and adaptions of the play as opposed to the views that are accepted and presented in present day South Africa. Present day South Africa is represented…show more content…
The themes manifest in two degrees. The individual struggle and the state struggle .Antigone as mentioned above faced harsh consequences due to her defiance to conform to state law. In the aim of honouring her brother, she disowns her sister for refusing to assist are in the act. Such abandonment can add to individual struggle to Antigone’s character, as she has no emotional support from others .In the play we are faced with a very pressing question regarding greater law, belonging to God or Man .This conflicting question, acts as catalyst to Antigone’s defiance to the state, due to her belief that gods law is greater than that of man. Her will to defy the state results in the eradication of her citizen status, because citizenship is based on loyalty .However her act betrayal aims not to rob her brother of the connection that he would have had with the city, had he not committed treason. The above mentioned things, can be possible causes to Antigone experiencing individual struggle…show more content…
We have already established that the state is ruled by the king, which makes his word absolute, However gods law is more absolute than the law imposed by any other human. In Ancient Greek, it is a firmly kept custom that each city was responsible for the burial of its citizens .They considered burial a sign of recognition of citizenship and affiliation. However when Creon denied Polyniece a burial to inflict upon him harshest punishment of falling prey to carrion animals , he himself was defining the law of the gods , whose law Is more absolute than a mortal human. This particular predicament puts the state at a struggle, to do what’s right and honoured the gods or to abide by the kings word, in order to remain a citizen .This in my opinion is the one struggle worth mentioning of the state, the lack of municipality. So again the question surfaces, which law is greater that of man or that of God? Sophocles choice is quite clear that gods law rules above all , we see this in the defiance of Antigone to conform to state law .Antigone’s defiance shows us courage and boldness where as other characters such as Ismene Antigone’s sister ,reveal to us just how frightened people are of isolation and that identity can only be seen , within your role in the community . It is evident that it is more important to fit in and belong than to be excluded and alone, such struggles within the state force Ismene to conform to

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