Summary Of I Just Wanna Be Average, By Mike Rose

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When students enter a classroom as young children are barely able to speak English, and have easily manipulated minds. In kindergarten, students start the evolution that will inevitably separate them from their parents, and push them to their teachers. As students spend more time in school, their teachers begin to take a position of authority that the students admire. Sometimes the only difference between student’s opinions of their teachers, and their families, is the fact that their families are not educated, and their teachers are. This difference can change the student’s opinion of authority in their life, and put teachers above their parents. Therefore a student will idolize teachers, and want to follow in their footsteps, and become…show more content…
Mike Rose was placed in vocational education classes, causing him to not feel the need to apply himself more than necessary to get by. His vocational education teachers did not treat him as if he could become successful, which also decreased his ambition When Rose, was removed from vocational classes, he had a single teacher, Mr. MacFarland, who sparked an interest in Mike about his education. Mr. MacFarland got Rose to read, which he hadn’t done since elementary school. Consequently, his study habits changed drastically, and resulted in Mike doing more than what was necessary to get by, “I worked very hard, for MacFarland had me hooked.” Not only did his study habits, and effort improve because of MacFarland, his opinion of obtaining knowledge changed as well. He now wanted to go to college, with the help of MacFarland, and he started to browse bookstores, hoping to gain knowledge. This knowledge, he realized had, “enabled him to do things in the world”. Mr. MacFarland proved to be more than a teacher to Mike Rose, he acted as an inspiration to education, which “provided a critical perspective on society”. Mr. MacFarland influenced Mike Rose’s perspective on both education and his

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