Summary Of Chapter 8 And 9 In Major Problems Of American Popular Culture

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The chapters 6, 8 and 9 in Major Problems of American Popular Culture all speculate on the link between popular culture of different kinds and the social concepts such as gender, class and race. In particular, Chapter 6 which focuses on the role of films in American popular culture and Chapter 9 that reflects on the impacts of radio on American society both discuss the concept of media working to break down the culture into high and low. Both cinematography and radio were considered to represent low genres, which raised concerns among traditionalist intellectuals in the beginning of the 20th century, who demanded to regulate the media. Both the films and the radio programs listened for leisure, for example, radio dramas, such as The Shadow, were considered to be harmful for the spirit, which is reflected in Paul Lazarsfeld's discussion about the women radio listeners: “...these programs certainly do not build up self-criticism or an effort towards self-improvement.”1…show more content…
Thus, the argument could be applied to any emerging type of leisure, for example, Coney Island amusement park which was treated with similar mistrust, suggesting it is novelty that seems frightening and not anything

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