Sugar Act Research Paper

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Sugar Act The Sugar act was a new law that was put into place because of the smuggling. Grenville, prime minister of Britain tried to increase the tax revenue. Parliament in 1764 was when the Sugar Act was passed. The tax was put into action when the tax on Molasses that came from the colonists. Grenville though that lowering the taxes would encourage the colonist to stop smuggling and pay. The colonist were furious about the Sugar Act. They thought their beliefs as an englishmen were being violated. Writs of Assistance The Writs of Assistance are legal documents that were authorized in 1767. This was authorized because Grenville knew that the juries often let smugglers go. He later convinced Parliament to send through allowing smugglers to be sent to Vice- Admiralty. These legal documents provided customs officers to search homes for any smuggled goods. Some of the colonists were mad because of these documents, because of the fact that they loved smuggling to get a variety of different goods, and the officials can search anywhere without probable cause or approval. Stamp Act…show more content…
The Stamp Act placed a tax on all printed things including newspaper, wills and even playing cards. Everything that was printed had to have a stamp that was placed on thereby British Officials. As a result because so many things were taxed it caused the colonist to want to take action. A young person named Patrick Henry who was a member of the Virginia House persuaded the burgesses to act against the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act to many people was considered treason. Many groups like the Sons of Liberty went outside to protest as well as other cities.They burned effigies, and practically destroyed many people’s property, including the property of royal officials. The colonists clearly stated that they are the only ones that can tax

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