Organometallic compounds are metals, usually transitional metals, bonded to a carbon atom. A very popular organometallic compound is a Grignard reagent, which is MgBr, bonded to a carbon atom. Grignard reagents are used to for new carbon bonds between atoms. This is because organometallic compounds have a special polarization that allows the carbon atom to maintain a negative charge. This type of polarization makes the organometallic compound a nucleophile and it is very useful in attacking and forming
We live in a day and age where we cannot escape news. We are constantly bombarded with a stream of information from televisions, radios, cell phones, computers and social media accounts. The purpose of the mass media is to inform the public about what is happening in America. However, this purpose is often twisted by bias. Politics and media are entangled with one another. Partisanship seeps its way into the news outlets causing them to report information that is in tune with their political bias
The Jews were righteous, the Nazis were corrupt. Our entire historical view of Germany revolves around the fact this one single 'apparent' truth that has been presented to us. Very few people even consider the possibility of balanced humans, which is ironic and helps us realize that we look at people and sometimes even entire nationalities in a very cinematic style. Maus by Spiegelman has presented a very honest and unbiased view of both sides, through a Jew's perspective. He has shown us a full