Jane Eyre Research Paper

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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte’s timeless novel, “Jane Eyre,” is the story of an orphaned young girl being raised by her spiteful and bitter, yet very wealthy aunt, Sarah. Multiple themes are presented to the reader throughout the novel, however the concept of destiny is ever-present. Jane’s life arguably seems destined to be wrought with sorrow and exclusion. Situations throughout the book make it appear to the reader as if Jane is fated to be miserable and dawning an unhappy existence. Jane grows physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before the reader. sThrough personal growth and discovery, Jane learns to challenge the idea of fate as she matures from a young girl to a woman. The cliché tale of girlhood to adulthood is not within…show more content…
Rather than receiving compassion in the wake of her parentless upbringing, Jane is constantly stripped of love. Her traumatic experiences provoke an accusingly macabre personality. Jane was told she could not assimilate into the group unless she, “acquire(d) a more sociable and child-like disposition, a more attractive and sprightly matter-something lighter, franker, more natural,” (Bronte 7). Jane’s aunt describes her personality as an unfit one for a child. It can be argued that Jane is so withdrawn and antisocial due to her tragic childhood, and fate would not allow her to be any other way. The abuse she suffers at the hands of her aunt and cousins also evokes a sense of predetermination with Jane’s behavior. Jane’s only childhood savior was her uncle. However, he passed away. This left her to live alone amongst a mother and children who banished her, regardless of them sharing the same…show more content…
She manipulates young Jane, asking what her deceased uncle would think of her for the harsh words she expels when hopelessly trying to defend herself. Jane’s response that her uncle is, “in heaven and can see all you do and think; and so can papa and mama,” (Bronte 27-28) unnerves her aunt. Jane’s choice to find solace in religion becomes another thing for her cousins to tease her over. When Mr. Brocklehurst is introduced, the reader discovers that Jane is not interested in the fantastic details of religion. She is more so concerned with the concepts of heaven and hell. Having been repeatedly told she is a naughty and worthless child, her opinions on these subjects are warped. On page 34, Jane is described to Mr. Brocklehurst as “deceitful.” After creating the false pretense, Aunt Sarah lies further by stating that she wants Jane to lead an existence of worth, of her worth. The worth Sarah speaks of was nonexistent prior to the opportunity to remove Jane from her home and send her to Lowood

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