Story Of An Hour Rhetorical Analysis

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Conventions vs. Emotions in the late 1800’s “The Story of an Hour” was published in 1894 at a time in which cultural and social inquiries were causing a great deal of controversy, especially in people’s perception of women. In fact, gender-roles controlled many aspects of women’s lives (Hartman). Having lived through this herself, Kate Chopin wrote this short story which revolves around the theme of the opposition between conventions and emotions. In this one hour-long story, conventions influence her emotions due to her past, her difficulty to assume her feelings and how she finally welcomes her new emotions. Louise Mallard’s emotions have been repressed to fit in the mold of conventions all her life. First, Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble” (Chopin) is symbolic of the fact that she is afflicted with a weak heart, emotionally speaking. Indeed, it is a nice way for Kate Chopin to…show more content…
After breaking those barriers, Mrs. Mallard recognized the powerful value of her new individuality and “did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her” (Chopin). As shown in this quotation, Louise Mallard’s emotions are described as monstrous because she knows that the whole society would judge her feelings as horribly improper and indecent. However, now she embraces her new life full of bliss without worrying about conventions. Furthermore, after setting aside conventions, Mrs. Mallard sees “a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome” (Chopin) She now looks forward to years ahead; years full of independence and without any kind of conventions. Louise Mallard is so frantic about her new lifestyle that she even prays for a long life (###) and whispers how free she is and will be (Chopin). Louise Mallard sets aside the gender-roles that used to control her life and finally welcomes her

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