Stereotypes Of Women In The Middle East Essay

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In the United States, what comes to our mind about the Middle East (Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran)? Do you think of unequal treatment for women? Do you think of terrorist? There a lot of stereotypes when we think about the Middle East. Sometimes, we cannot always believe what we hear on the news. The stereotypes that we commonly use is that women are being oppressed, the whole region is a wasteland and whole country is filled up with terrorists who are Muslims. Women are being oppressed is what us, westerners think. Westerner think that women in the Middle East are oppressed because they think that women are not treated equally as men are. The men used their wives as slaves or males have more than one spouse. One of the biographies goes by the name of Nijmah Al-Rub. She was married to her husband for thirteen years. Her husband married another woman while he…show more content…
Ninety-five percent are Muslims: five percent are Christianity. There is a political cartoon that a man says Islam is a tolerant religion, yet he is also a supporter of the terrorist. When 9/11 happened we identified the chief perpetrator as Osama Bin of the leader of Al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden religion was part of the Muslim group and we think it represents the entire religion. “Its known members accomplices were mostly Arab and all Muslims. Us, westerners tend to think that they are very limited in their government because they can vote who they want as their leaders. President Iran Saddam Hussein ruled from 1973-2000 which is 27 years compared to the President in the US who takes office for 4 years. If you protest in the Middle East, you get can get into a heap of trouble or even death through watching the television from CBS news. When I was watching the news, I saw that a lot of people were killed by the Assad regime in Syria because they wanted to

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