Stella Omusa Case Study

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Stella Omusa is another interesting case study. As she pursued early schooling, Stella never had any idea of her orientation. Even her parents and peers could not help Stella on the same. Luckily, as a bright student, it was not difficult to secure admission into a public university. However, it is not clear whether Stella pursued a degree in bachelor of commerce, accounting option by choice or just as a matter of natural flow of events. Most likely though, it was the course she was selected to pursue, based on available opportunities. Meanwhile, as Stella continued with studies, she developed an interest in writing. She kept writing numerous topical issue oriented articles, posting them to the daily print press. Interestingly, many of them were published as letters to the editor. Apparently, this happened…show more content…
Montana took up an accounting job in a corporate body that is based in Nairobi. After many years of service, he used the slightest excuse to leave employment as a middle management staff. Organizational restructuring and therefore early retirement had just started becoming fashionable. By then, he had not only lost passion in accounting, but also the drive to continue in formal employment. Instead, Montana ventured into self employment, which is today more amiably referred to as entrepreneurship. But, strangely, he had not known that his goals were still mismatched with his strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, Montana spent a few years in the now familiar rat race as a business practitioner. During those days, the competition was not only stiff but also overwhelming. No matter how much he tried, Montana could not overcome this idea of the “me too” brands. “Irrespective of the nature of business, everybody was watching everybody else with interest and enthusiasm. Everybody replicated new ideas of those who were seemingly looking successful. To continue successively, one would have to adopt either of two

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