“A Study on Banking Sector Reforms in India Opportunity and Challenges) ” Abstract: The economic reforms lead by the Government of India about 2 decades before have changed the landscape of various sectors of the Indian economy. The Indian banking sector is no special case. This sector is going through major changes as a outcome of economic growth. The role of banking industry is very vital as one of the leading and mostly essential service sector. India is the biggest economy in the world
analyses of retail loan products of Bank of Baroda with their peer banks” SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT TOWARDS THE AWARD OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (2014 – 16) SUBMITTED BY: Sandesh sharma University Roll No. : 148410187 MBA II YEAR (IV TRIMESTER) INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Declaration This is to certify that summer internship report entitled “A comparative analysis of retail loan products of bank of Baroda with their peer banks” carried at Bank of Baroda sanjay place Agra
One year of demonetization: How much note ban has changed India D.Shalini, II M.Com. K.C.S.KasiNadar College of Arts & Science, Chennai – 21 ABSTRACT: The demonetization had a great significant and immediate impact on the state of the Indian economy.It also resultsthat demonetization helps to destroy black money is the first ranking given by the respondents and it is followedby corruption, terrorism etc.. INTRODUCTION: Demonetization is the most important and necessary when there is a change
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Growth is essential for a healthy sustenance and survival of any firm in this competitive world. There are two growth routes available to any company: - organic and inorganic. The Theory of the Firm’s Growth Penrose states that the growth rate of the firm will decline with its age. Organic growth beyond certain size or age is a big challenge and hence inorganic growth gains significance. Inorganic growth means growing through mergers and acquisitions. The inorganic growth
manner by the main stream institutional players. India on its part has had relative success in this aspect and is on way in setting an example in implementing effective financial inclusion. The government and the banking sectors have driven a full
Ritika Gauba (2012)1 in her study reveled that the concept of modern banking was first traced in medieval Florence in 1397. A powerful merchant family named Medici established a network of shops that allowed patrons to place money on account and withdraw the money in another city that had a Medici representative. Many affluent families and the Church kept their money in Medici banks. This allowed rich people to travel without taking large sums of money with them, this reduced the risk
A STUDY ON VERTICAL MOBILITY OF EMPLOYEES IN PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CUDDALORE DISTRICT CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO BANKING Bank is defined in many ways by various authors in the book son economics and commerce. It is very difficult to define a bank; because a bank performs multifarious functions may be defined in many ways according to their functions. The evolution of different types of banks, each specializing in a particular field, gives emphasis on each
wake of the money related changes embraced by the Government of India in view of the Narasimhan Committee report I and II, prudential standards were presented by Reserve Bank of India to address the credit observing procedure being received and sought after by the banks and monetary foundations. To fortify further the recuperation of duty by banks and budgetary organizations, Government of India declared The Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 and The Securitisation and
An Evaluation of Consumer Perception and Attitude Towards the Usage of Plastic Money in India Anoushka Sharma1, Syed Fazal Karim2, Vipul Jain3 1(Student, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, India) 2(Student, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, India) 3(Student, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, India) ABSTRACT Over the past few decades, a small fragment of plastic has revolutionized the way consumers pay. Rise in disposable
the study are derived from 21 responses that the researcher received for online survey. As mentioned in Section 1.1.1, the overall number of banks in India accounts to 91 including foreign banks, nationalized and private banks. Since the author was in Ireland during the dissertation period, the online survey link was sent to different bank managers using their email addresses. Moreover, the research utilizes cross-sectional methodology and is hence conducted over a small sample of Indian bank branches