Economic Importance Of Guar

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Guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] : An Emerging Field Crop Guar often called as Cluster Beans, Gawar, Guwar and Guar Bean. It is an annual kharif (summer) crop belongs to Leguminosae (Fabaceae) family. Guar is a multipurpose crop having both nutritional and economic potential but it is being treated as a minor crop. It is well-adapted to both arid and semi-arid areas of Pakistan, India and USA. Guar botanically called as (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) with 2n=14 chromosomes, is an emerging field crop in the world. Its significance is so high that if we develop a proper breeding program it will not only fulfill our needs in terms of human and animal nutrition but also it is a good source of future revenue which will be discuss in later…show more content…
Guar use as a forage crop. Its both vegetation and seeds are used to feed cattle. It is also use to make Fish, Poultry, Dairy and swine feeds from its meal or seed cake. We can use the seed as a concentrate for both milch and working animals. Guar is also sometimes use as a green manuring crop before seed formation. If we use it as a seed crop it increase the yield of subsequent crops as nutrients of soil are reclaimed due to its nitrogen-fixing…show more content…
Its pods are being consumed as a vegetable curry which are very delicious. Leaves sometime use as spinach. Its beans contain proteins hence they are very nutritious. Industrial and Economical Importance: Guar seed has great demand and industrial value from foreign countries like USA, UK, UAE, Lesotho, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Africa and even Australia. On account of industrial value its market demand has risen during last decade. Guar seed is famous for its guar gum (Galactomannan). This gum is used in several industrial applications such as cosmetics, tobacco, food like dairy products, baked products for dough, Cheese for texture and ice-cream for smaller ice crystals improver, for beverages, fish farming, poultry and cattle feed, pharmaceutical or drugs, Gas and oil well drilling, paint, firefighting, explosive and hydraulic fracking etc. India is the primary and Pakistan is the secondary producer of guar gum. Together they produce about 80% of the global demand. Due to its high demand in many commercial applications plant is being introduced to many areas of the

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