America V. Mil Rosa Case

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The United States of America v. Miguel LaRosa case entails the crime of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and mortgage fraud by LaRosa and other conspirators. The timeline of the events began in March of 2011 and went through November 2012; LaRosa knowingly and intentionally devised a scheme along with co-conspirators DiValli, Salguero, Fusco, Sweetman, Chemidlin, Martins, and others to defraud and obtain money by means of material false and fraudulent pretenses (United States of America v. Miguel LaRosa). To complete the scheme, the use of wire communications to send information, signs, and signals was needed and used. LaRosa wanted to use the obtained mortgage loans for personal enrichment along with his conspirators. The means of the scheme are as follows, conspirator Salguero had properties in New Jersey, which are the properties used in the scheme. Next, all the conspirators including LaRosa looked for buyers to apply for mortgages to buy the properties. These buyers were known as “straw buyers” who were individuals that would never legally qualify for a loan, so they were given compensation for being involved in the scheme.…show more content…

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