St. Sucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves Analysis

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In her short story, “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”, Karen Russell develops the progression of the characters in relation to The Jesuit Handbook on Lycanthropic Culture Shock. The characters, young girls raised as wolves, are compared to the handbook in hopes they will adapt to the human culture. The girls’ progression throughout the 5 set stages by the handbook are vital to adapting to the new culture in the time allotted. The main character, Claudette, is compared throughout the story. Claudette’s actions align well with the 5 stages, but she has outbursts that remind her of her former self. In Stage One, Claudette perfectly aligns with the standards the handbook sets. The handbook says that the girls should experience new…show more content…
The handbook says that the girls should begin to work towards the main goal: adapting to the human culture. During this stage, they will miss certain aspects of their past lives. They will daydream a lot and may seep into a stage of depression or feel isolated to the rest of the world(229). During this stage, Claudette seems to be in a daze; everything is surreal to Claudette. “Those were the days when [the girls] dreamed of rivers and meat. The full-moon nights were the worst! Worse than cold toilet seats and boiled tomatoes, worse than trying to will our tongues to curl around [their] false new names”(230). Claudette is beginning to daydream about the life she once lived. In Stage One, Claudette acted like she was still living in the woods with the pack. At this point, she is daydreaming of those days, but not acting as if she still lives in it, showing improvement. When Mirabella, Claudette’s sister, tried to take her bread, “[Claudette] bit [Mirabella’s] shoulder, once, twice, the only language she would respond to”(234). Though Claudette seems to be meeting the guidelines the handbook sets, she does have outbursts that set her back to her wolf-like

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