Sports Therapy Regulation

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This assignment will be based on the subject of regulation and ethical dilemmas within sports therapy in the UK. This will focus on emphasizing the standards of conduct, regulation of organisations, ethics and standards of proficiency and also fitness to practice; which sports therapists are obligated to follow as healthcare professionals. As the sports therapist profession is continually growing it has been argued that this profession should be statutorily regulated by the Society of Sports Therapist (SST) who had sent an application for regulation of sports therapists in 2006; which the Health professionals Council (HPC) had recommended for statutory regulation. This assignment will identify and establish the current regulation of sports…show more content…
The Society of Sports Therapists (SST) role as a professional body is to monitor and provide guidance for sports therapy practitioners, informing other professional bodies which affect both sports therapy and practitioners, ensuring that the standards of care and also treatment given to the public are effectively given; and continually at a high standard as well as keeping clients and patients away from risks, “addressed by national registration and regulation”. The SST also gives authority to “educational qualifications” such as the degree qualifications; BSc (Hons) sports therapy, and also “vocational sports therapy courses” (SST, 2013). CNHC's role with voluntary regulation of sports therapy is running alongside sports therapists as this will help in supporting them throughout providing their services, as well as maintaining high standards at all times. (SST, 2013). Another organisation involved with sports therapy regulation is the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). This voluntary regulator is for “...complementary health care practitioners that was set up in 2008 with government funding and support, ” according to (CNHC, 2014). The key roles of the CNHC is to always have the public's best interest at heart and enhance this by providing a register of all complementary health care practitioners including; sports therapists who must meet the required standards of practice as a health care professional set by this regulator in order to maintain being registered with them. (CNHC, 2014). The CNHC will also be “imposing disciplinary sanctions that mirror those of the statutory healthcare regulators.” (CNHC, 2014). Not only must sports therapists meet their standards, they must also follow their “strict codes of conduct, performance and ethics.” (CNHC,

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