Specific Language Impairment Case Study

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Describe and explain the main issues involved in Specific Language Impairment. Louise Crowe – 14426668 LING 10020 Specific language impairment, or SLI for short, is described as being a developmental language impairment in which a child does not have the language skills that are expected of them at that certain age. SLI may also be called developmental language disorder, or developmental dysphasia and it affects approximately 7.6 percent of five year old children (Ervin, 2001). SLI contains different subgroups, so not every person suffering from SLI will experience the same issues with their language. These subgroups include the phonological expressive impairment subgroup, the verbal auditory agnosia subgroup, the grammatical subgroup, and the semantic-pragmatic subgroup (Murphy, 2014). Therefore, there are many different issues faced by SLI sufferers as a result of these subgroups. There are a few steps that must be…show more content…
The speech that the child is producing can be fluent and grammatically correct, yet the language they will use is odd (Murphy, 2014). Characteristics of a child suffering from the semantic-pragmatic subgroup of SLI may include the child being poor at taking turns in a conversation and being poor at consistently maintaining a conversation (Wikipedia, 2014). There have been debates about whether the semantic-pragmatic disorder is part of the autism spectrum or if it is a completely different condition as there are many similarities between children with autism and children suffering from this semantic-pragmatic disorder. Some of these similarities include difficulties with making/maintaining eye contact, echolalia, inappropriate behaviour for children of their age and no or very little imagination (The national autistic society,

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