Essay On Dysgraphia

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of some subchapters, namely background of the study, statements of the research problem, objectives of the study, significances of the study, and scope and limitation of the study. 1.1 Background of the Study Language is a system or symbol which permits people to communicate or interact with others. Related to language as a system in social interaction between human being in this world, there are four basic language skills which people should have; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those four basic language abilities are very important since they are needed to understand, to process, and to produce both spoken and written language. There is a consensus which connects language and children.…show more content…
Several studies have shown that when dyslexic dysgraphia is undiagnosed, it can cause a lot of frustrations and anxieties in the individuals involved (Riddick & Edwards as cited in Glazzard, 2012). Dyslexic dysgraphia is a ‘hidden’ disability, as there are no obvious external signs for people to recognize (Riddick as cited in Glazzard, 2012). It is not like some other disabilities, as for example down syndrome, or cerebral palsy which people can recognize from the moment they see them. People can get confused and assume different reasons for the children’s poor performance in school. That is why, when dyslexic dysgraphia is undiagnosed, the characteristics like ‘stupid’, ‘thick’, and ‘lazy’ are commonly used to describe students with dyslexia. People who are not aware about dyslexic dygraphia cannot find any other explanations for them who are not doing well at school. Lack of assessment may result in low self-esteem compared to non-dyslexic students (Humphrey as cited in Glazzard, 2012). On the other hand, lack of appropriate help and support can have long-term effects for people with dyslexic dysgraphia when reaching adulthood (Morgan & Klein,

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