Spain Research Paper

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Spain has a unique culture compared to the rest of Europe. Culture is the beliefs and customs of particularly society. Spain’s culture is based on historical influences in the language and religion part. Spain has a variety of customs that come from the seventeen regions located in the country. Even though the culture varies, several traditions are followed by the entire country. The culture of Spain is greatly impacted by the customs of bullfighting, flamenco, and la siesta. Bullfighting has been linked to Spain’s culture since the first bullfight. It was part of the celebration in King Alfonso VIII’s crowning. It is still greatly popular in Spain to this day. The fight started as a sport for the aristocrats. Since then, commoners have taken the sport and transformed it. During the fight, a matador baits and kills a bull in front of an audience. Bullfights are seen as a dance between the matador and the bull. It is the matador’s job to keep the dance dramatic and enjoyable. The Faena is the section where the matador proves how much courage he has. During this time, the matador baits the bull with a muleta. The fight is over when the matador attacks and kills the bull. In the end, he is rewarded by the president with parts…show more content…
It exists in three forms: song, dance, and guitar playing. These are blended into passionate rhythms that can be spontaneous. Flamenco originated to reflect the sufferings of the gypsies. The tragic lyrics are often put with the accompaniment of guitar. Solo guitar as developed into a separate art and has been blended in with jazz. It has also become a staccato dance style with complex rhythms and footwork. There are two main styles of flamenco called jondo and chico. Jondo is more serious and deep in meaning. Chico is the happy and light style of flamenco. The main part of flamenco is to communicate a deep emotional involvement between the musicians, dancers, and

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